For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Packages

For Sale.
For Savings.
For Sure.

Everything you need to sell FSBO.

For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Basic$399Be seen in all the right places.

Get the word out far and wide and be seen in all the right places. Let us help you take full advantage of the Multiple Listing Service and extensive online portals like,, etc. with our $399 FSBO HOMES Basic package.
The Basic package includes:
    • 3 month listing on your Local Realtor MLS with 10 photos (Exclusive Express Listing Guarantee: If your MLS Listing is not live within 48 business hours of receipt of paperwork/photos you will receive a $100 Credit)
    • ​Placement on hundreds of popular local and national realty web sites including,,,, and many more.
    • We invest thousands each month to drive buyer traffic to our website via Google, Facebook, banner ads etc.
    • Comprehensive For Sale By Owner How-to-Guide
    • Free unlimited changes to your listing
    • State required Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement
    • Get listed faster – Seamless sign up process via online data input forms and electronic signatures. We know your time is valuable and have made the sign up process easier and faster than the competition.



NOTE: Per MLS rules, publication of Buyer’s Broker’s compensation is not allowed in the MLS listing. Seller understands that the Buyer’s Agent may request that seller pay Buyer’s Broker’s compensation within the terms of the Purchase Agreement. Buyer’s Broker’s compensation is negotiable by law. Seller is solely responsible for negotiation and payment of Buyer’s Broker’s compensation, if any.  If you need assistance with Purchase Agreement Facilitation please visit

      Consider Adding Purchase Agreement Facilitation — Learn More

        • A home sale is a significant financial matter – one of the most momentous of our lives. Get the assurance of a smooth sale that benefits your bottom line. Consider our optional Purchase Agreement Facilitation Service, featuring a professional review or full “offer-to-closing” facilitation of the Purchase Agreement forms. Legal documents required to sell a home can be complicated. Over 25 years, our experts have saved home sellers over $190,000,000 because we dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s” to make sure it all adds up in your favor.



      For Sale By Owner Plus$698Add yard signs for a bigger impact.

      The MLS and Internet portals are a very powerful way to get in front of buyers but it is also essential to let everyone in and those driving through your neighborhood know that your home is for sale. Our recognizable professional signs and marketing items convey the credibility you need to ensure that the buyer knows that your are serious about selling.
      The Plus package includes:
        • Everything in the FSBO Basic package
        • 6 month listing on your Local Realtor MLS with 16 photos (Exclusive Express Listing Guarantee: If your MLS Listing is not live within 48 business hours of receipt of paperwork/photos and/or the yard sign not installed or delivered within 5 days you receive a $100 Credit)
        • Social media link to seamlessly post your property listing to your favorite sites
        • ​Six-foot yard sign installed with your phone number
        • Three directional signs – “Open House” or “Home For Sale”
        • Home Avenue website listing



      NOTE: Per MLS rules, publication of Buyer’s Broker’s compensation is not allowed in the MLS listing. Seller understands that the Buyer’s Agent may request that seller pay Buyer’s Broker’s compensation within the terms of the Purchase Agreement. Buyer’s Broker’s compensation is negotiable by law. Seller is solely responsible for negotiation and payment of Buyer’s Broker’s compensation, if any.  If you need assistance with Purchase Agreement Facilitation please visit

          Consider Adding Purchase Agreement Facilitation — Learn More

            • A home sale is a significant financial matter – one of the most momentous of our lives. Get the assurance of a smooth sale that benefits your bottom line. Consider our optional Purchase Agreement Facilitation Service, featuring a professional review or full “offer-to-closing” facilitation of the Purchase Agreement forms. Legal documents required to sell a home can be complicated. Over 25 years, our experts have saved home sellers over $190,000,000 because we dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s” to make sure it all adds up in your favor.

          Click Here for Savings Calculator


          For Sale By Owner Showcase$998The total package.

          Show off your home and show up the competition with our Showcase Package designed to power boost your marketing campaign, increase showings and sell fast.
          The Showcase package includes:
            • Everything in the FSBO Basic and Plus packages
            • 12 month listing on your Local Realtor MLS with 24 photos (Exclusive Express Listing Guarantee: If your MLS Listing is not live within 48 business hours of receipt of paperwork/photos and/or the yard sign not installed or delivered within 5 days you receive a $100 Credit)
            • Professional photo shoot with virtual slide show
            • Unlimited Open House directory on MLS and public websites
            • 25 premium quality brochures
            • Showing appointment service – Never miss a call. The service will screen the agent and contact you via phone, email or text to get approval of showings and provide access info to the agent.
            • MLS supplement page – The public remarks section on MLS only allows a 1000 character description. An MLS supplement allows you to add additional pages of information about your home.
            • Comprehensive pricing report



          NOTE: Per MLS rules, publication of Buyer’s Broker’s compensation is not allowed in the MLS listing. Seller understands that the Buyer’s Agent may request that seller pay Buyer’s Broker’s compensation within the terms of the Purchase Agreement. Buyer’s Broker’s compensation is negotiable by law. Seller is solely responsible for negotiation and payment of Buyer’s Broker’s compensation, if any.  If you need assistance with Purchase Agreement Facilitation please visit

              Consider Adding Purchase Agreement Facilitation — Learn More

                • A home sale is a significant financial matter – one of the most momentous of our lives. Get the assurance of a smooth sale that benefits your bottom line. Consider our optional Purchase Agreement Facilitation Service, featuring a professional review or full “offer-to-closing” facilitation of the Purchase Agreement forms. Legal documents required to sell a home can be complicated. Over 25 years, our experts have saved home sellers over $190,000,000 because we dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s” to make sure it all adds up in your favor.

              Click Here for Savings Calculator


              Smart Add–Ons

              (Note: the showcase package already includes the additional photos, appointment service and MLS supplement)

              • MLS market analysis—$150
              • Unlimited MLS open house directory—$100
              • Added photos (total of 18)—$25
              • Showing appointment service—$100
              • PURCHASE AGREEMENT FACILITATION SERVICE – The legal documents required to sell a home can be complicated. We can help protect your best interests throughout the offer process. Click to view details

              Home Avenue offers more than the competition

              Home Avenue
              Flat Fee Competitors
              Listing on your local Muliple Listing Service (MLS)
              (Not all companies are members of your local MLS Board and may list your home on an MLS system outside of your area.)
     listing included at no extra charge.(Some companies charge extra for a listing.)
              Faster sign up process via online data input forms and electronic signatures. We know your time is valuable and have made the sign up process easier and faster than the competition.
              Home pricing analysis
              Professional photography with 24 photos
              Professional 6 foot yard sign and directional signs
              Home showing appointment service
              Just listed cards sent to your neighborhood
              Email blast to area Realtors
              Home information brochure
              Professional property website with custom domain sign i.e.
              Purchase agreement facilitation service
              Key lock box
              (Not all competitors offer a lock box which is essential for agents to gain access)
              Market eye report
              (Provides emails of all new and sold listings in your vicinity)
              25 years of experience
              (Home Avenue pioneered the Flat Fee MLS model)

              Have Questions?